Phoenix Arizona black metal band GHOST HORIZON released their new album ”The Punishment of Life” today

You don’t hear of too many black metal acts coming out of Phoenix despite it being a great metal hub here in the USA for many years now. Alice Cooper lives there, as does the Metal God Rob Halford, Max from Sepultura, Dave Ellefson from Megadeth, The Gate Creeper guys and I believe Kerry King once owned a house there too.

So its good to hear that the city (the 4th largest in the US does actually host some BM bands – although it would be foolish for any of them to try to be “grim and frostbitten” if ya get me

The band was formed back in 2015 by main man Dan Stollings and released a bunch of Eps over the next 5 years if my memory serves me correctly. Apparently this will be the last release of just Dan and Frog magus (drummer) as there are plans to make the band a fully functional band and less of a “bedroom” project. In my mind this is the right move for these guys as whilst the BM scene is littered with bedroom projects nothing beats being into a band , going to see them live and seeing your favorite songs performed right in front of you. PLUS for the band its by far the best way to experiment and see what works with your audience, which parts to speed up (or slow down) which parts of a song to drop as the audience hates that section or whatever. Immediate feedback!

Apparently this was the first time for Ghost Horizons actually micced up an amp (as opposed to pugging directly into the mixing desk which gives the guitars a much more warm and active sound. The vocals were all done first take too – defintely givng this recording a more “live” feel if ya get me. This is the right move for these guys and I am looking forward to the day that we can check them out live

Here’s the album for you to check out – leave me a comment below and let me know what ya think of it:

Album cover art and links below

Official Links:

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