PERDITION TEMPLE and OMEGAVORTEX to tour Europe for the first time this fall

Coming this October and November, Europe will fall under the hammer of the Perdition Temple / Omegavortex “Malign Extremists Offensive” Tour. In the 15 years of Perdition Temple‘s existence, this will be their very first visit to European shores to bring their deathly maelstrom of darkness and ruin. Confirmed dates and venues as well as poster art are as follows:

October 25 – Dresden, Germany @ Chemiefabrik 
October 26 – Warsaw, Poland @ Odessa 
October 27 – Poznan, Poland @ Pod Minogą 
October 28 – Katowice, Poland @ Piąty Dom 
October 3- Prague, Czech Repbulic @ Modrá Vopice 
October 31 – Siebnen, Switzerland @ District 28 
November 1 – Erba, Italy @ Centrale Rock Pub 
November 2 – Paris, France @ Winter Rising Festival 
November 3 – Kortrijk, Belgium @ DVG Club 

US death metal storm Perdition Temple will tour Europe for the first time. Emerging after the demise of Angelcorpse, Perdition Temple is total death metal annihilation and features all the trademark Gene Palubicki riffs and solos, though shifted up a few gears in terms of brutality and riffing onslaught. With Ron Parmer (Malevolent Creation) delivering precise bombardments of blasts and Alex Blume (Ares Kingdom) on vocals and demolishing death-bass, this is a legendary lineup of Florida death metal. Four albums have been released on Hells Headbangers / Osmose Productions, and new material will be presented on tour!

The paranormal Omegavortex whirlwind of uncontrolled chaos is summoned from a black hole for their first European tour. With shows confirmed worldwide, this will be a rare opportunity to witness the barbaric, all-destructive, ultra-aggressive brutality on their own continent. Expect traditional death metal riffs in the style of old Morbid Angel and Necrovore, performed with the intensity of Revenge and Angelcorpse, and produced with a devastating sound like Bestial Warlust and Sadistik Exekution – yet  in their own unique style!



“When you need metal, go to hell!”

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