Hailing from Minneapolis MN, Void Rot are devoted to constructing massive and soul-consuming dirges of monstrous death-doom that is influenced by the glorious progenitors of majestic, atmospheric, and slow moving death metal like Winter, Rippikoulu, Disembowelment, early Paradise Lost, Incantation, etc.
With their debut MLP Consumed by Oblivion Void Rot unravel 15+ minis of earth-shaking and telluric death-doom that erupts from the depths of hades and pulverizes into the cosmos, weaving ancestral death metal and atmospheric doom into a dismal and soul-crushing deluge of riffs to construct a sonic colossus of unseen enormity, which will be sure to please all fans of bands like Spectral Voice, Anhedonist, Inverloch, Indesinence, Krypts.
Within their imposing compositions Void Rot weave light and darkness seamlessly and with unseen mastery, evoking atmospheres of unparalleled vastness that alternate majestically between sidereal and contemplative psychedelia, and visceral and bludgeoning heaviness. Consumed by Oblivion is an iconic and proud example of true american death-doom as seen at its finest hour as it masterfully distills the void of space and the loneliness of the cosmos and bends them to impact the crushing misery of our earthly reality. The end result is a seismic monolith of spine-breaking riffs and warped atmospheres that while glorifying death-doom’s most distinctive traits also elevates the genre to an entire new level.

Officially released on January 9 2019, the LP will come as an etched, single sided black record housed in a custom black heavy cardstock cover + insert silkscreened with Pantone metallic bronze ink, and can now be pre-ordered at our store or Bandcamp. An EU version will be released with copper metallic ink through Italy’s Everlasting Spew Records. Consumed by Oblivion has been acclaimed by critics with many outlets like CVLT Nation, Last Rites, No Clean Singing, Toilet ov Hell, Nine Hertz and many more hailing it as one of the best death doom moments of 2018, and CVLT Nation listing it ints top 10 best death doom records of 2018. |
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