Today, Florida Death metal heads Hexorcist premier the new track “Denouncing the Immaculate” from their forthcoming debut album “Evil Reaping Death” which comes out July 26th on Memento Mori (CD) and Godz ov War (cassette) . LP version will follow a few months later due to the insane lead times at vinyl pressing plants these days – that release will be on Unholy Prophecies Records. You can check out the track “Denouncing the Immaculate” here:
What I like about these guys is they are a relativity young band (forming in 2019 I think) but have managed to successfully capture that old school death metal sound. For an old fart like me who lived thru the Death Metal scene since the very beginning its great to see the younger generation embracing the scene and showing us what they have got. If you love bands like Death, Morbid Angel, Sarcofago, Possessed etc then you’re gonna love Hexorcist
With utterly ripping mastering courtesy of Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio, France and classically evil cover art courtesy of Art Militia, Hexorcist soundly erase 30 years of “progression” with Evil Reaping Death. Expel the flesh! Revere the sacrificial rites!
Begin expelling the flesh and revering the sacrificial rites with the previously revealed “Exulting the Adversary” HERE at Memento Mori‘s official YouTube channel. Aforementioned cover art and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Hexorcist’s Evil Reaping Death
1. Exulting the Adversary
2. Sentry at the Seven Gates
3. Unblessing the Reverent
4. Proverbs of Pestilence
5. Denouncing the Immaculate
6. Evil Reaping Death
7. Unrighteous Ceremony
8. Accursed Affirmations
9. Praising the Most Foul
10. Crucifixion [Devastator cover]