Australian Melodic Death Metal band MrKill is set to release their debut EP The Day of Reckoning on 31 July 2020. Today they reveal the artwork and tracklist (see below). MrKill released a teaser video to give you a taste of what will hit you. The Day Of Reckoning is upon us! MrKill says about their EP: “The character ‘MrKill’ could be summarised as a character of either a Special Forces soldier or perhaps a CEO that has served in the military previously. He does what he wants when he wants and how he wants it. In ‘The Day Of Reckoning’ MrKill is on a mission to avenge past events through his evil ways of destruction.“ MrKill are: Justin Ks – Rhythm guitars, vocals, programming & song-writing Scott Henderson – Lead guitars Baltion Radi – Bass Xines – Drums Formed in 2017 in Melbourne, Australia, by Justin Ks, the band combines a range of musical styles however is focused predominantly around melodic death metal and cover the lyrical themes of turmoil, darkness, ignorance and despotism. From deep chugs, sonic high notes, shredding and dark drawn moments, MrKill captures a wide range of energy to be experienced. The heavy guitar riffing and incredible drumming remains at the forefront, together with the vocals, MrKill always knows how to get the balance right. They stick to a melodic concept and pound their way through an emotional backdrop. |

Tracklist The Descent (Intro) Annihilation Hatred Valiant Amusement Oblivion Elegy (Outro) Preorder your copy of the EP here. Presave EP for digital streaming services here. |