NEVER SURRENDER FEST VOL. II October 19-20, 2019 Oakland Metro Operahouse Oakland CA, USA Buy Tickets In 2009, Iron Bonehead and Nuclear War Now! worked together to present the first NWN! Fest. The collaboration proved fruitful and the event was a success, so we continued the partnership, presenting four additional installments over the years. As Iron Bonehead ascended to become one of the preeminent underground labels, it began to make more sense to present bands from both Nuclear War Now! and Iron Bonehead, resulting in the Never Surrender Fest, the first edition of which took place this past November. We held all of the previous fests in Berlin because it was a centralized location, allowing us to bring more bands from Australia and Asia, while also presenting many North and South American bands to a European audience for the first time. Ten years later, it seems like the right moment to put together a fest in the United States, particularly, Oakland, California—the home of NWN! To that end, Iron Bonehead and NWN! are presenting the first-ever U.S. edition of the Never Surrender Fest, scheduled to take place on October 19th and 20th, 2019, in Oakland, CA, with a pre-show scheduled for October 18th, 2019. There will be 16 bands performing, with 8 bands chosen from each label. Full fest order follows, as well as poster art. |

***SATURDAY OCT 19TH*** Doors: 3:00 PM EOSPHOROS (USA): 04:00 PM – 04:40 PM BYYRTH (USA): 05:10 PM – 05:50 PM MORBOSIDAD (USA): 06:20 PM – 07:00 PM BLUE HUMMINGBIRD ON THE LEFT (USA): 07:30 PM – 08:15 PM BONE AWL (USA): 08:45 PM – 09:30 PM TEMPLE NIGHTSIDE (AUSTRALIA): 10:00 PM – 10:45 PM UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN (CHILE): 11:15 PM – 12:00 AM BLACK WITCHERY (USA): 12:30 AM – 01:30 AM ***SUNDAY OCT 20TH*** Doors: 3:00 PM ORDER OF THE NAMELESS ONES (USA): 04:00 PM – 04:40 PM CEMETERY LIGHTS (USA): 05:10 PM – 05:50 PM HOUSE OF ATREUS (USA): 06:20 PM – 07:00 PM SIEGE COLUMN (USA): 07:30 PM – 08:15 PM VOLAHN (USA): 08:45 PM – 09:30 PM GRAVE UPHEAVAL (AUSTRALIA): 10:00 PM – 10-45 PM ANTEDILUVIAN (CANADA): 11:15 PM – 12:00 AM BLACK CILICE (PORTUGAL): 12:30 AM – 01:30 AM |

Never Surrender Pre-Fest Gig Engendro Malévolo (CA) 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm Zulxaxeku (CA) 9:00 PM – 9:30 PM Ptahil (IN) 9:45 PM – 10:30 PM Cemetery Lights (RI) 10:45 PM – 11:30 PM Eggs of Gomorrh (Swiss) 11:45 PM – 12:30 AM Fri, Oct 18, 2019, 8:00 PM Elbo Room Jack London 311 Broadway Oakland, CA 94607 $15 adv $20 door / 21+ Pre-Fest Tickets |