Today, filthy deathrashers Cemetery Lust stream the entirety of their highly anticipated third album, Rotting in Piss. Set for international release today via Hells Headbangers, hear Cemetery Lust’s Rotting in Piss in its entirety exclusively HERE.

For nearly a decade now, Cemetery Lust have been perfecting their crazed craft, first with a handful of demos, and then two full-lengths for Hells Headbangers, 2012’s Screams of the Violated (which the label widely released in 2015) and 2014’s Orgies of Abomination. Across those two albums, these Portland sleaze-bangers put forth a form of thrash yet was fun yet filthy, and feral at every turn, spitting forth lyrical depravity amidst a sonic backdrop of ’80s German proto-black, San Francisco speed metal, and even South American proto-death. No big changes on LP#3, Rotting in Piss, nor should there be: this is vile and violent METAL, above all, which pisses on all party-thrash pretenders. If anything, Cemetery Lust sound even more manic here, with witching solos divebombing right and left across the album’s fierce ‘n’ full 33 minutes. Plus, they’ve found a production style that possesses a disarming amount of clarity while simultaneously making every dirty nook and cranny sound that much more depraved. If you didn’t know any better, you’d mistake Rotting in Piss for some lost deathrash classic from 1989!

With a slew of touring lined up for the summer and no limit to the depraved depths to which they’d sink, Cemetery Lust devilishly invite you to keep Rotting in Piss! Step forward to get fully soaked exclusively HERE

Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Cemetery Lust’s Rotting in Piss
1. Midnight Invasion
2. Piss on your Grave
3. Fatal Infestation
4. Funeral Home Massacre
5. Bowels of Blasphemy
6. I am Trash
7. Hideous Nature
8. Witches Seduction
9. Awaiting Execution


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