Shadow Records and Grafvitnir are joining forces in spiritual warfare against the modern world…
Grafvitnir, the Nordic torchbearers of serpent fire, have joined forces with Shadow Records: a match made in the misty regions of Hell, and a conspiracy established and consecrated by the night spirits of the Netherworld. With dagger blades sharpened to rip apart the veils of modernity and conformity, this shadowy alliance is bound to vengeance and rebellion and gathered together to greet the storm of the end times.
Grafvitnir‘s music has often been described as a freezing tempest with occult overtures or a maelstrom of icy tones with venomous incantations as if spewed out by the primordial serpent itself, and rightfully so. Distinctively Nordic in atmosphere and feeling, Grafvitnir are not only the Norse carriers of the Luciferian flame, but also standard bearers for the classic Swedish black metal sound in its entirety.
This is the darkness of Death…