After 16 years of deathlike slumber, Hate Forest is back with a new album called Hour of the Centaur, created and recorded in few days of April 2020. You will not find anything trendy or new here – the band’s same impenetrable dark wall of sound and bottomless maelstrom exclusively.
Hate Forest‘s Hour of the Centaur will be released on December 25th via Osmose Productions on CD, vinyl LP, and cassette tape formats. This is laconic and honest black metal crafted on Old Europe’s eastern frontier, full of disgust to modern pseudo-intellectual, selfie/Instagram “black metal.”
In the meantime, hear the brand-new track “No Stronghold Can Withstand This Malice” here:
. Cover and tracklisting are as follows

Tracklisting for Hate Forest’s Hour of the Centaur 1. Occidental, Beware the Steppe (intro) [0:27]
2. Those Who Worship the Sun Bring the Night [7:20]
3. No Stronghold Can Withstand this Malice [5:40]
4. To the North of Pontos Axeinos [4:43]
5. Anxiously They Sleep In Tumuli [9:20]
6. Melanchlaeni [6:26]
7. Shadowed By a Veil Of Scythian Arrows [4:08]
More info: