In case you’ve been asleep at the wheel the last 2 years Hulder has been on a mission to take the metal underground by storm, over the span of a mix of DIY releases and a full length on Iron Bonehead Productions she’s succeeding. We caught up with her this week to find out what she is all about – read on!
- So are you from Belgium and moved to the USA right? What’s the story here?
I was born in Duffel, and spent the majority of my formative years in Mechelen, Belgium. I moved to the USA a little over ten years ago. After spending time all over California I relocated to Oregon and have been enjoying the many splendors of its mountain ranges and vast forests. - If from Belgium now living here what bought you here? the music scene? family?
The move was purely circumstantial. Not a decision I would have made at that time, but seeing as I was quite young, I did not have a say in the matter. That being said, I am quite pleased with where I have nested for the time being.
- What has been the biggest cultural difference living in the USA vs Europe?
Besides many political differences I do not care to discuss.. I would have to say the unnecessary abundance of everything. I’m fairly certain the bigger and better mentality is not something I will ever get used to. There is also a lack of ritual through home cooking, and time spent at a table as opposed to in front of electronics. These examples may have struck me as stark differences due to the fact I grew up in rural farm surroundings.
The fact that it is dreary most of the year
- What are your favorite things about living in Oregon?
It’s dense woods and grey coast. The fact that it is dreary most of the year, and there are plenty of shady hideaways along glacier runoff on the off-day when it gets too warm. The city is currently very accessible if the urge strikes, but I plan to make my return to more rural settings when the time is right.
My passion only grows.
- How did you get into Black metal? What was your “gateway” band so to speak?
I was introduced to bands like Satyricon, Summoning, Darkthrone, Burzum, Moonsorrow, and Dissection in my early teenage years. Someone quite a few years my senior left me with some cassettes and an old CD binder, enough study material for a few years at least. It was my first passion, and I knew fairly shortly thereafter it would stick with me forever. I eventually worked my way backwards to a lot of first wave bands and other extreme metal. My passion only grows.

- Were you playing any instruments before you got into Black metal?
I have been playing guitar since I was 10. I played in multiple punk bands in my youth, and always had solo projects simultaneously, though never made public. - How did your deal with iron Bonehead come about? Are you happy with the promotion they have done so far?
IBP reached out to me shortly after the first run of the “Embraced..” EP was out. So far I am very pleased with our collaboration, and look forward to what the future holds.
I am only concerned with furthering the consciousness of the self.
- If I am not mistaken Hulder is the name of mother of Odin – are you an Odinist at all? If not what faith do you practice/follow?
I am not aware of any mythology referring to Hulder as the mother of Odin nor do I practice a faith of any kind. I am only concerned with furthering the consciousness of the self. - Have you played live before and if so how was it for you?
HULDER has made one live appearance. It was a satisfactory experience, but only a small glimpse into what is to come for those who got to witness it.
- Are there any plans to play live?
I absolutely plan on live performances. Things are quite uncertain at this point due to the plague of our time, but hopefully circumstance will allow for a tour within the next year or so. - What can we expect from Hulder in 2020 and beyond?
A full length, some unspoken announcements to accompany said release, and of course more Dark Medieval Black Metal at full force. - Any final words?
Your questions and interest are much appreciated. Gezondheid to you and anyone reading this.
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