On November 23rd internationally, Sepulchral Productions is proud to present Sombre Héritage‘s highly anticipated second album, Inter Duo Mundi.
Three years after a debut album that drew a lot of attention, Sombre Héritage strikes hard with its sophomore album, which sees its mastermind Exu propel his epic black metal towards new heights. Inter Duo Mundi offers a relentless barrage of incisive and melodic riffs, each one more memorable that the last, complemented by an ice-cold yet powerful production. A must for fans of melodic black metal!
First track premiere to be revealed shortly. Preorder info can be found HERE. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Sombre Héritage’s Inter Duo Mundi.
1. Inter Duo Mundi – Initium
2. Alces Alces
3. Chasse Éperdue
4. Délire Onirique
5. Enchevêtré
6. Tiraillé
7. Insolence
8. Inter Duo Mundi – Exitus