Today, ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ – the rebirth of Acherontas – stream the entirety of their highly anticipated new album, The Seven Tongues of ΔΑΗΜΩΝ. Set for international release on March 14th via Zazen Sounds, hear ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ‘s The Seven Tongues of ΔΑΗΜΩΝ in its entirety here:
Mysticism, magic, occult arts and rituals, all of which are driving factors behind ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ, are also the most adequate words that can be used to describe the band’s image, sound, and lyrics. The band is considered as one of the leading representatives of the second wave of Greek black metal, heavily influenced by the original Hellenic metal scene, retro rock (especially ’70s rock), and occult/spiritual philosophy & activism.
ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ was brought to life in 1996 by V.P.Sorcerer and was ever since true to its internal tenets and traditions, which deemed the band as a “Magickal Coven, dedicated to the Ancient Sumerian Mysteries of Drakonian Blood.” According to the band, “Many traditions embrace these ancient sources as footprints and take form in our Void as Astral Vampirism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Dream Workings, and Luciferian Magic.” V. P.Sorcerer continues: “True sorcery is not an art, it’s science… in order to dare, we must know; in order to will, we must dare. We must will to possess empire, and to reign, we must be silent. We are real to those with eyes to see…”
Their Magickal Coven commences the Third and ultimate cycle of its manifestations, embodying its final reincarnation in the novel external form of ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ. After a 15-year-long second period of esoteric culmination, the Coven of ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ now enters the next alchemical stage of its existence. Transforming and shapeshifting into a yet-unexplored aspect of the same Entity, a new Seal is unveiled, channeling the hidden forces into the future of our Great Work: ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ is revealed.
A compass of feverish devotion unto the omnipotent and everlasting, the Gateway to the Sinister Arts that glorify the Other. Seven rays conjoined within a seal of apparition, whereupon all weak aspects of the Self fall into disarray, surfacing the Iron facet of spiritual survival across the planes of the uncharted Netherworlds. A map, a weapon, and ceremonial ornament of the Seven Archons, molded and reforged to signify the Eternal Hunt of blood-ridden Aeons.
ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ commented on the new album: “The new Opus, bearing the fiery symbolic crown of The Seven Tongues of ΔΑΗΜΩΝ, unto the realms of matter. The sands of creation shall shift once again, as the new album of the Coven signifies the sail towards new horizons, fertilizing the grounds with blessed sonic resources to bear fruits on spiritual levels. Seven pacts with powers unknown to mortal men, yet to be known to the elevated individual that chooses to follow the thread beyond mortality. Seven pathways to the Inner Sanctum, grasping a harsh lesson, a taunt of spirit and soul, benign and glorifying.
“The Coven places this newborn Opus upon the altars of the Seven Gods, paying tribute to the forces of the Other that have inspired its course over the decades. The listener is set to be reached by this reverence, since this reverence is set to extend within the listener and let him become one with the multidimensional becoming that is assigned, this Mission of Seven Hells and Seven Destinations. This is a new era of continuity, forging all the bestial aspects of the Past to a shining athame that shapes the Future.”
Cover artwork, by Maximilian Pirner (1854-1929), and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for ΑΧΕΡΟΝΤΑΣ’s The Seven Tongues of ΔΑΗΜΩΝ
I. Lucifer – Breath of Fire
II. Leviathan – The Fervent Scales In Reverence
III. Belial – The Enn of Beliya’al
IV. Satan – Exaltation of Unbeing
V. Choronzon – Webs of Alienation
VI. Hecate – Queen of the Crossroads