In anticipation of greater, more horrific things to come in the new year, we proudly bring you the “Divinations” split 7” between Aberration and Diabolic Oath, two rising forces of US surrealistic extreme metal darkness. The twelve-minute split has been teased revealing a minute-long sample of each of the band’s respective tracks, remarking that the collaborative effort is “evil to the core, as raw and filthy as week-old roadkill, and as oppressive and abyssal as it is berserk, but it’s technically accomplished as well as disturbing and disorienting.“
This two-song declaration of war upon human psyche showcases the two US-based sorcerers of omnipotent aural terror in complete command of control of their respective crafts as they summon each their own staple idealization of humongous and hallucinatory black/death deformations. “Divinations” serves as a precursor and taste to what’s to come, namely the spring 2024 release of the bands’ two new full length albums, Aberration’s colossal “Refracture”, and Diabolic Oath’s still secretive but completed second full length abomination.

The Divinations split is officially slated for a January 5 2024 release date on 7″ vinyl and digital formats worldwide via Sentient Ruin