Today, Hells Headbangers announces February 11th as the international release date for Hammr‘s highly anticipated second album, Eternal Possession, on CD and cassette tape formats. The vinyl LP version will follow later this year.
It was but early 2018 when Hammr made its full-length debut with the critically acclaimed Unholy Destruction courtesy of Hells Headbangers. Built on a proud foundation of proto-black metal, hardcore punk, and evil speed metal, here Hammr let loose a wild ‘n’ loose blast of what mainman JH at the time dubbed “Satanic speed.” With solos flying fast and free, instilling that very lawlessness so often missing from heavy metal these days, Unholy Destruction was ever aptly titled – and put Hammr on the international map with no small amount of punctuation.
And that punctuation becomes even louder (and lewder) with Hammr‘s second album, Eternal Possession. Now flying solo again like at the band’s beginning, JH here lets loose with a cruder, ruder iteration of that noble foundation. No longer strictly “Satanic speed” simply because this IS undeniably the Hammr sound, each of these nine sick ‘n’ sleazy slices of minimal-is-maximal crush just steamroll the listener with preternatural ease. For that, Eternal Possession is aptly titled: this monomaniacal surge is undeniable and irredeemable, with nothing but immediate immersion-unto-submission guaranteed. Curiously, Hammr‘s attack here is harsher and more uncompromising than ever, and yet its apparent crossover appeal is wider, ranging devotees of the crustiest black metal to obscure punk fetishists, from hard ‘n’ heavy deviants to meat & potatoes headbangers. Simply put, the eternal black flame of metalpunk lawlessness burns brighter than ever on Eternal Possession, and you WILL be consumed!
Still no politics, no party, no drinks: Hammr pander to no one, and remain the lonest wolves out there. Eternal Possession forever!
Roam alone with the previously revealed “Forces of Sin here:
Preorder info can be found HERE. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Hammr’s Eternal Possession
1. Forces of Sin
2. Ritual Desecration
3. Seeping Chalice
4. Cascading Lustful Void
5. Suspicion
6. Negative Shift
7. Eternal Possession
8. Ceremonial Spite
9. Torment Prevails Again