On October 27th, Invictus Productions and The Ajna Offensive will release Malokarpatan‘s highly anticipated fourth album, Vertumnus Caesar. Invictus will handle the album’s release for Europe while Ajna will handle its release for North America. To coincide with the release of Vertumnus Caesar, Malokarpatan‘s first three albums will be reissued on vinyl.
Formed in Bratislava, Slovakia anno 2014, Malokarpatan builds upon local traditions equally in the musical and thematical field. Continuing where legendary ex-Iron Curtain bands like Master’s Hammer, Tormentor, or Kat have left off and taking influence from macabre cultural history of the Carpathian region, the group has developed its own recognizable sound in a span of three albums released within five years. Live shows across Europe and North America have solidified their underground fanbase, and after a period of line-up changes, they are back, this time in a purely studio form with an ambitious conceptual work titled Vertumnus Caesar. Staying true to their fascination with local heritage, this album expands into the band’s Central European identity. Mapping the mysterious life of Emperor Rudolf II, infamous for his involvement in the esoteric arts, the album is an adventurous ride through the days of late renaissance hermeticism, an occult rock opera dimming the lines between first-wave black metal, classic heavy metal, and progressive rock.
In the meantime, hear the brand-new track “Koár postupuje temnomodrými dálavami na juhozápad” here:
Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Malokarpatan’s Vertumnus Caesar
1. Na okraji priepaste otevíra sa hviezdny zámek
(On the Side of the Abyss, the Starry Castle Opens)
2. Kočár postupuje temnomodrými dálavami na juhozápad
(The Carriage Moves Southwest Through the Dark-Blue Distances)
3. Vertumnus Caesar
4. Vovnútri chlácholivého útočišta kunstkamru
(Withinside the Kunstkammer’s Soothing Solace)
5. Panstvo salamandrov jest v kavernách zeme
(The Mansion of Dragons Is in Caverns of the Earth)
6. Maharal a Golem
(The Maharal and the Golem)
7. Mnohoraké útrapy milostpána Kelleyho
(The Manifold Sufferances of Sir Kelley)
8. I hle, tak zachádza imperiálna hviezda
(And Lo, Thus the Imperial Star Descends)