This week we spoke to Serge from Automb – 2020 – 2021 has been a weird time for all of us but as some of us imploded through the shut downs or too much food and booze others of us kept busy and creative during the down time, Serge from Automb is one of those – starting a side project called Selfgod – here is our first interview with him on Selfgod.
New music for us to check out to come soon
Life’s been very hard and weird for me through the pandemic.
Probably the worst year of my life
How have you been holding up during this crazy pandemic?
Life’s been very hard and weird for me through the pandemic.
Probably the worst year of my life. Due to health issues last year (non covid)
and of course the darkness of the pandemic and lock downs. Cancelling tours etc.
I would say this is the best material I’ve ever written.
I have heard one demo from Self God what can we expect for the album?
The debut Selfgod album will feature material I wrote for Necrophagia and Automb.
A good combination of Black and Death Metal. More emphasis on the death metal.
A lot more catchy riffs and more symphonic elements.
I would say this is the best material I’ve ever written.
How did you come up with the name Self God?
It was very hard to come up with a name that wasn’t taken.
Everything I thought of was already a band.
I came up with the title Selbtsgott in German for an Automb song which translates to “Selfgod”.
It represents the whole Pagan vibe I was trying to go for and there was another band with that name but it wasn’t very big and wasn’t active so I figured I can take that name.
Musically is the band going to be a drastic departure from Automb or just an extension of that band?
Probably an extension with more flavors so to speak. I was going to use this material for the 3rd Automb album originally.
Lyrically what are the themes for self god going to be about? More paganism stuff or self empowering stuff or?
Lyrically it’s mostly about Slavic paganism, self spiritually and just about the pagan age in Europe.
Still have some lyrics to finish. But that’s what I got so far.
I follow mostly Slavic Paganism since I’m Slavic and I’m from Ukraine
Speaking of Paganism what path do you follow?
I follow mostly Slavic Paganism since I’m Slavic and I’m from Ukraine
and I also follow my own path which is a mixture of everything.
Gear wise do you plan on using any different gear from your Automb days?
Gear wise it’s gonna be all completely different.
I recently became endorsed by Dean guitars so I’m going to be using strictly deans.
Also I got an endorsement from a very well known amp company.
Can’t say yet who it is since there hasn’t been an announcement but ya I won’t be using my old amp rig again.
Very excited to use this new gear
What can we expect next from Self God?
You can expect a total Blackened Death metal sonic pagan assault
Any final words?
I want to thank all the fans who supported me in Necrophagia and Automb.
You’re support is everything to me and without you I wouldn’t be anywhere but my bedroom.
So thank you all so much!
Stay positive and stay metal.
Also huge thanks to Alex from Brudders. Cheers.
Go follow Selfgod here : https://www.instagram.com/selfgodband/