DAWN OF A DARK AGE set release date for new ANTIQ album, reveal trailer

On September 24th internationally, Antiq is proud to present Dawn of a Dark Age‘s highly anticipated seventh album, Le Forche Caudine, on digipack CD format.

Dawn of a Dark Age is the main project of the multi-instrumentalist Vittorio Sabelli, a classical and jazz musician who gave to the clarinet a leading role for the first time in black metal. Its dark timbre, together with fierce blastbeats and distorted guitars, allows exploration of new scenarios, from moments of pure madness to the most atmospheric dream-born soundscapes.

The last saga entitled The Six Elements (consisting of five CDs) has seen the collaboration of musicians from Selvans, Enisum, and Finland’s Graveborne, and has received excellent reviews in a lot of newspapers and webzines dedicated to extreme music. After last year’s La Tavola Osca, released by AntiqDawn of a Dark Age now pursues a new saga of the Samnites.

Titled Le Forche Caudine, the new album concept is based on the battle of the Caudine Forks, and unfolds the event in music. Sometimes exploring the figurative music through soundscape and atmosphere, Dawn of a Dark Age‘s new album is more direct, more brutal, and also more folk, having the jazz part only some places. Consisting of two long tracks for a total of 39 minutes, it is more black metal-oriented, with some narration parts, and once again for the occasion, vocalist Emmanuele Prandoni joins the project, also performing the drums.

Antiq is a label dedicated to the fully coherent concept of making music through sound, image, video, and attitude. They have been putting their entire existence into it since 2009. Over the years, Antiq have been identified as producers of not only perfectly coherent lyrics and themes through music, but also conceptual art and, of course, the manufacturing of beautiful objects. The label tries as much as it can to work with French creators, and if possible, with the smallest and most serious structures.

In the meantime, see & hear a special album trailer here:

Cover artwork, courtesy of Joanna Maeyens, and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Dawn of a Dark Age’s Le Forche Caudine
1. Le Forche Caudine (321 a.C. – 2021 d.C.) Act I [21:42]
2. Le Forche Caudine (321 a.C. – 2021 d.C.) Act II [16:56]

